These are two prints printed on both side of paper. Plate 1: The death of Sapphire. Apostle Peter rebukes Ananias and Sapphira, who had hidden some of their belongings so as not to share them with the Christian community. Because of Peter’s words, both die. Their bodies are buried in the background. Below the performance is a reference in Latin to the Bible text in Acts. 9:10. Numbered 7. Plate 2: Healing of the lame. Numbered 8. These prints are part of a 34-part series on the Acts of the Apostles.
Made by Philip Galle after Maarten van Heemskerck .
Medium: Engraving on hand laid (verge) paper.
Sheet size: 32 x 25.5 cm (12.6 x 10.04 inch). Image size: 26.5 x 21 cm. (10.43 x 8.27 inch).
Condition: good, given age. Brownish 2 margins. Smudges. Folds as published. Fold in corner below. General age-related toning and/or occasional minor defects from handling. Please study scan carefully.
This attractive print was published in Amsterdam 1582. .
Biography engraver: Philip Galle (1537, Haarlem, 1612, Antwerpen).
Biography artist: Maarten van Heemskerck (1498-1574).
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